Friday, April 28, 2006

Compassionate Conservative

Via Crooks and Liars, Bay Buchanan offers some insightful news analysis.


  1. Ever get the feeling she's Pat in drag?

  2. Now that you mention it, the resemblence is striking.

  3. she needs her ass kicked.

    i'm not usually an advocate for violence....actually, that's not true, a good slap does everyone good once in a while...

  4. Sounds like the truth to me. It's been a tired story for months now, and most Americans don't give a rats ass about it. So what's the problem with this innocuous statement of the obvious?

  5. That's brilliant annon. Only a sap would think the problem's solved by the end of the news cycle. Come on down to the gulf coast, have a look around, and tell me this is a tired story.
