Thursday, April 20, 2006

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Over at Fark...Star Wars vs. Star Trek!

I have to admit, at least where the original is concerned, I give the nod to Star Trek.

via Covington.


  1. Good Lord, that picture's like a supernova of nerdiness.

  2. The one that made me laugh out loud was Spock frozen in carbonite.

  3. The smoothest photoshop is Kirk kissing Leia, though. Works for the personality, too.

    What do you want to bet there's a whole genre of crossover fan fiction out there? Sort of like all those "batman versus the Hulk" style comic book crossovers.

    Not, I hope, like the Spock-Kirk romances out there. I can't remember it, but there's a specific name for those.

  4. There is a novel cross-over of the X-Men and Star Trek. Geek squared.
