Monday, April 17, 2006

The Ugly American

"Loud and brash, in gawdy garb and baseball caps, more than three million of them flock to our shores every year. Shuffling between tourist sites or preparing to negotiate a business deal, they bemoan the failings of the world outside the United States.

The reputation of the 'Ugly American' abroad is not, however, just some cruel stereotype, but - according to the American government itself - worryingly accurate. Now, the State Department in Washington has joined forces with American industry to plan an image make-over by issuing guides for Americans travelling overseas on how to behave."

No shit. You think its bad there? Try living with assholes like this on their own turf. You think we're rude to you? Try going to a restaurant, like, say Cafe Istanbul, and watch some overfed brat brake plates while Mommy and Grandma coo, "oh...isn't that cute", and sit on their fat asses sucking down shitty Pinot Grigio while some poor schmuck has to clean up the mess.

"They" don't hate us for our Freedom. "They" hate us for shit like this. So do I.

from Telegraph.


  1. Those are excellent suggestions, but they aren't going to move the needle on worldwide perceptions of Americans until our foriegn policy stops slandering us abroad. Like it or not, that forms the basis of most people's impressions of Americans as individuals. I've had conversations with many well-educated and worldly Europeans who persist in making sweeping generalizations about America and Americans based on the public faced displayed by our government abroad. The tip sheet got one thing way wrong. Soccer isn't the most popular sport in the rest of the world. Bush-bashing is.

  2. I hate us for shows like Wife-swap, american idol, and Deal or NoDeal. which, every time i stop to waste 10 minutes of my time, leaves me wondering when it was that the Augustus Gloops of the world became center stage. Greed, and Fame, and Gluttony. that's American...


  3. True, Herr Doktor...But this has been going on longer than Bush. It now seems that Bush is the Ultimate Ugly American, fat and entitled, not giving two shits about anything or anyone except himself.

    This is the very definition.

  4. Super Size Me is on IFC right now. I feel your pain, KatieG.

  5. We were in the Texas Hill country this weekend (west of Austin). We drove through a lot of rural areas and saw plenty of the local culture, and Val noted that she didn't see a single junker on the road. Even the farmers and small town octagenerians are livin' large now in their massive, pimped, brand new, gas guzzling pick-ups and SUVs.

    Just and observation.

  6. That's weird, but hey, it's Texas. They like it big, right?

  7. Such bright tips! Jesus, I was sewing Canadian flags on my backpack fifteen years ago... amazing it took Karen Hughes to make Americans aware that it's all our fault that the world hates us. Fifteen minutes into "The Amazing Race" and any given asshole could have figured that out.

    When in doubt, blame the voter. And the nation as a whole.

    As an aside, who is Karen to be calling anyone an "ugly American"?


  8. How exactly does one "brake" a plate?

    And hey Wiz - you gots your own site! I'll pop in now and then. Kind of busy but I'll pass the word. Hope you won't delete my posts like my ole pal Cov used to do. Thanks in advance.
