Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Which Al Gore?

On the late, great Covington Blog, I frequently caught stick for criticizing the manner in which Gore ran in 2000, wondering, where the no B.S. Gore of now was then?

So, it appears that Al Gore (courtesy of Crooks and Liars) may be "getting the band back together".

I would be inclined to support Gore at this point, provided he keeps keeping it real, being the Al Gore of late than the other who stupidly distanced himself from Clinton.

Gore should have won, but didn't, and the problem wasn't entirely his fault. The campaign was a mess, and Bush (in a bit of foreshadowing) demonstrated what amoral pit bulls he had working for him; Rove, Baker, Katherine Harris (down in flames, it seems). Balls are what we needed from Gore, and we got raisins. Al Gore has balls. Let's not get raisins again.

All of this raises some institutional issues: Will the DNC apply what it learned from the Gore and Kerry campaign, that responding to cowardly and scurrilous attacks by GOP operatives in a timely fashion is the key to getting the all important swing voters out of their easy chair malaise and think critically about things? The stakes are high enough, that's for sure.

Will the Democratic Party frame itself as a REAL alternative to the disasterous GOP agenda, as opposed to the republican lite of Joe Lieberman, Diane Feinstein, et al. ?

Will the Democratic Party be vocal to the point of shouting itself hoarse about LABOR as millions of Americans lose pensions and jobs at the hands of merciless Corporatists, and admit that NAFTA, whatever its intent, has been devastating to manufacturing in this country? Will they actually do something for labor, as opposed taking the Unions for granted?

Will the Democratic Party please point out that Values are not the Provence of cynical NeoCons, and the hypocrisy of talking about values while the GOP devalues the life of everybody born?

Will the Democratic Party bring the UN into Iraq so that we may quit losing our children to the Human Being Lawnmower, and quit being the match in that powderkeg?

This is how you win.

I hate to think that only thing standing between us and catastrophe is goddamned Joe Biden, because, in that scenerio...whoops apocalypse!

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