Thursday, May 18, 2006

Dan Ross R.I.P

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Eleven, count 'em, Eleven receptions in Super Bowl XVI. One of the best football games I have ever seen in my life.

One of the greats.


  1. I wore #89 in little league football in honor of him.

  2. What a great team and great time to be a kid in Cincinnati.

  3. I freaking loved Dan Ross. Isaac and Kenny were my favorites (my wife works with Ike's wife and I still haven't met him), but Ross was right up there, the very definition of consistency. He's also one of those Bengals that didn't get their just due at the time. I was crushed when he left for the USFL.

    Drpuma is right, it was a glorious time to be a kid here. The '75-76 Big Red Machine, UK won the title in '78, Bengals go to the SB in '81. I thought things would always be that way...
