Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Pancho Villa

Gee...its been awhile, hasn't it? That is a long story, for another time...

Anyway...Bush is tanking, so send in the National Guard, of course.

Problem is that our forces are stretched thin enough to be transparent, and business is still exploiting this cheap labor.

I fear now that we are at a point in which easy fixes are a fond memory, and this may end up extremely ugly.


  1. I've got a bit of an idea for a meme that someone might take and run with... could make a good project for a group of students.

    One could put out a call for as many people as possible to send in video clips of themselves reading one passage from the Bill of Rights or the main text Constitution. Compiled into a database with a little scripting, when the site loads it could randomize the selection and give a million unique readings of our founding documents, illustrating that the Constitution IS America, and countering the strategy of division that the republicans are gearing up for the in the fall.

    Lets see them attack that... plain reading of the constitution by hundreds of ordinary citizens.

    That's beside the fact that if it gets out as a meme, a hell of a lot of people are going to hear the constitution recited who could really use a reminder of what it says and how far from it we now stray.

    Just a thought.

    Of course, the best closer would be:

    "Choose freedom. Vote Democrat."

  2. The "guest worker" proposal establishes a limit on the amount of time a worker can spend in the US. It seems to me this is a gift to employers. Limiting the time laborers can spend in the US won't deplete the supply of cheap labor. Instead, it will actually decrease the cost of that labor with forced turnover. At the same time it will eliminate any semblance of stability in the lives of those laborers, and establish a sort-of government regulated serfdom for laborers who have no hope of establishing residency for themselves or their children, and the benefits that come with it.

  3. So if assholes like Ward Churchill are portrayed as the spokesmen of the left, why isn't Vox Day being interviewed on Meet the Press?

