Thursday, June 8, 2006

Al Zarqawi Dead

What does this mean, in terms of policy and continued rotation of the human being lawnmower? Speculations?


  1. The war's over, Iran will promise to never even think about going nuclear, democracy will flourish throughout the Middle East, the stock market will soar, and Baby Jesus will sleep through the night.

    (Can I get that job on Fox and Friends now?)

  2. The failure of his death to have an impact on the insurgency will lead Washington pundits to go running for the dictionary to look up what "decentralized, cell-isolated guerilla tactics" means.

    Tom Freidman's next book will thus be entitled, "The World Feels Corn-cob Shaped and Is Splitting Me In Half."

  3. It maybe that his "matyrdom" only fuels the insurgency.

    Damned if you do...
