Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Ernie Fletcher and the Ministers of Information

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Evidentally, Fletcher is blocking some liberal websites from state owned computers. Kos has the story here, and the our censored friends at Bluegrass Report have their take on it.

Of course, we all know that Fletcher and his pals are crooked as a goddamn barrel of snakes. I mean, how did this guy get elected? Anyone rocking the Jim Bakker coif like Fletcher does is surely a grifter, and while it is true that we don't do too much with Kentucky politics here, we live in Kentucky, and have a vested interest in the state.
I have to admit something here: I'm a little hurt that Fletcher hasn't had The Wizard blocked yet, nor our pals across the Licking, WireCan and Radio Free Newport. Fellas, we have got to do something about this: We can't let the aforementioned shoulder this burden alone.

Nevertheless, let us sing loud, and sing proud, against this despicable cryptofascist: May your Consort Superhold never glue that mess right again.


  1. It's saddening that this happens.

  2. Big Bro Fletch pic is a nice touch.

  3. Cool site. Thanks for the support of BgR and basic US rights - enjoy them while you can, folks...

  4. I live in Ky. but use my Mom's Ohio address officially so I don't have to pay higher UC tuition or car insurance. But its times like this I want to have an official Ky. record just so I can vote this SOB out in the next election.
