Thursday, August 24, 2006

Schmidt a liar and cheat? No way.

She's accused of faking the above photo which shows her finishing the 1993 Columbus Marathon in a respectable 3 hours, 19 minutes, 6 seconds, and which is posted on her official website. A four-member state election commission panel ruled today that there was enough evidence to look into the complaint.

The AP story notes that "[i]n April, (Schmidt) received a public reprimand from the Ohio Elections Commission for claiming on her Web site that she had two college degrees when she had only one."


  1. how sick and pathetic and awful of a human being are you to be so freaking concerned about winning a political seat that you lie about this crap?!? Like, who decides, "wow, if she won a marathon, people will like her. let's doctor a photo!" Nobody. Nobody except the crazy lying person themselves.

    God - couldn't you have rallied just a few thousand more folks??!? Hackett could be in office right now. :(

  2. If you saw her district, you'd understand...

  3. It is worth pointing out that Hackett won the urban areas and the RURAL areas.

    Schmidt won in Clermont County, which is rapidly becoming Strip-Mall/McMansion/Whitey Hell.


  4. Sorry to tell you, she really is a very accomplished runner, and she really did that well.

    Perhaps she can go back to coaching track instead of congress?
