Monday, August 14, 2006

The National Guard?

Evidentally, Bush has decided that he needs the National Guard to act directly on his orders, like his own private army. War Prof at Kos has more... this what you signed on for? Are you defending your communities and the Constitution by acting as muscle for this asshole?


  1. To read the whole twisted, disgusting House Resolution, go to and type in: H.R.5122

    More straight to the point, though, Section 513.328.(b) reads:

    (b) ADVANCE AUTHORIZATION AND CONSENT- The President and Governor of the State or Territory or Puerto Rico, or the commanding general of the District of Columbia National Guard, as the case may be, respectively, may give the authorization and consent required by subsection (a)(2), in advance, for the purpose of establishing the succession of command of a unit.

    Or, to cut the legalese jargon and parse it down:

    (b) ADVANCE AUTHORIZATION AND CONSENT- The President . . . may give the authorization . . . for the purpose of establishing the succession of command of a unit."

    Holy fucking crap! Well, dubbya always claimed to be a War president.

    I won't belabor my earlier rant about the insidious nature of fascism creeping in on this country.

    Come on folks. Let's wake up and smell the gunpowder and rigor mortis!


  2. Hear hear!!!

    It's really frightening that there is so much casualness about this. I mean, for crissakes, we're talking about a virtual SS.
