Erudite as usual:
"Mon Sep 11, 2006 at 03:26:45 AM PDT
Five years ago this very morning we stood transfixed in horror as seemingly surreal events unfolded before our eyes. It seems like only yesterday, and yet so long ago, that terrorists trained and funded by Osama bin Laden's Al Qaeda working out of Taliban controlled Afghanistan viciously attacked our nation. Almost 3,000 innocent Americans died under that barrage of human-guided missiles. Even now the grim toll rises, as rescue workers and victims alike are still suffering from the devastating effects of oily black smoke and poisonous gas, unleashed from the blazing wreckage of airplanes and buildings.
Our President promised that the perpetrators would be taken "dead or alive" and that he would 'get the people that knocked these buildings down.' A few months later, President Bush was asked about that pledge:
Link Q: But don't you believe that the threat that bin Laden posed won't truly be eliminated until he is found either dead or alive?
Bush: I'll repeat what I said. I truly am not that concerned about him.
From the same press conference:
Bush: I want to reiterate what I said the other day. Our policy is to deny sanctuary to terrorists anyplace in the world, and we will be very active in doing that.
From this week:
Link--The clandestine U.S. commandos whose job is to capture or kill Osama bin Laden have not received a credible lead in more than two years.
Link--US president Bush on Thursday cautiously endorsed a truce between Gen Musharraf and pro-Taliban militants in Pakistan even as terrorist violence soared ....
America deserves better."
"CBS Corp. said on Saturday it would broadcast the documentary '9/11' on the Internet as well as the airwaves after several affiliates said they would delay or forgo the award-winning film because it includes profanity [...]
The American Family Association, which describes itself as a Christian organization promoting traditional values, has called on CBS stations to forgo or delay the '9/11' broadcast."
Donald Wildmon is afraid that the "potty mouthed" heroes (police and fireman) will scar the children. Evidentally, the sight of people jumping out of buildings with their skin on fire is fine, just not the "Oh Fuck" response of those looking on.
Is this the most meaningful thing he can say-or do- concerning this epoch in our history? how about doing the Christ-like thing...speaking truth to power, and calling off the FCC/Moral Majority. Was a nipple really that serious as to have local affiliates scared of folks like you, who might call the dogs on them, for showing history? Is this being "Christian", speaking truth to power, or is it another example of the right wing speaking "power as truth". I'm betting on the latter.
Of course, Wildmon and Bush have lots in common, namely that they are "Christian" in name only, and as such, they always speak "power as truth".
So, while reflecting today, look at your reflection: How have you aged in five years? I'm not talking about gray hair, receding hairlines or proceeding waistlines. How has the last five years treated you? I know I feel old. Tell us...
Update: Driftglass has some poignant thoughts, Five Years On, with a little help from the Thin White Duke.
As a drama, I found last night's broadcast of Road to 911 engaging, even though it was obviously partisan. It was clearly stilted against Clinton, even more than it was against other members of the administration, and showed that the wingnuts are still obsessed with Bill's cock. I noted at one point that someone (a cabinet member or CIA, can't remember) referred to "Clinton" instead of "The President," which would never happen. It was a derrogatory comment and the filmakers wanted to make sure there would be no confusion with the current president.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite made-up scene: when the hysterical intel officer storms into Tenet's meeting after the embassy bombings. They also made a big deal out of the fact that the officer who nabbed Ressam at the Canadian border was a woman - "Why is it always the women who are paying attention?" Could they be trying to win back the security moms with this drivel?
I couldn't stomach would not permit it.
ReplyDeleteAnybody else care to chime in?
You're not watching? I absent-mindedly turned it on and got sucked in. I am interested to see if tonight it sugar coats the Bush years.
ReplyDeleteYou forget: We did campaign commericals, brother, for our class.
ReplyDeleteI get enough propaganda from Networks anyway: They call it news.
I dvr'd it, but watched Koppel's excellent Discovery Channel piece instead. If they replay it, it's worth seeing, especially the town meeting afterwards.
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