Monday, September 4, 2006

Here's to the glories of the Workers' Paradise

Happy Labor Day


  1. I got it off of Google where it was translated: "We smite the lazy workers." Those stupid Commies got it backwards. In America we smite productive workers.

  2. I think David Horowitz is gaining influence in Iran:

  3. And the Enquirer ran their usual story on what some local celebs did for their first job.

    I didn't read it, but it's usually along the lines of, "Gosh, and [Norma Rashid, Chad Johnson, Robbie Ftorek] worked at a [McDonald's, Fuddrucker's, Weiner World] for their first job. Now, look where they are!"

  4. I swept the floor and emptied tampons out of the garbage at a ballet studio, and now look where I am! In an odd twist of fate though, due to inflation and other forces both beyond and within my control, my expendable income is actually less now.

  5. Wow. That was your first job?

    Like everyone else, my first for pay was cutting lawns.

    My first "job" commitment was as an altar boy. As Bill Murray says, "there will be no tip, but on my deathbed I will receive total enlightenment."

    So I've got that going for me.

    But the first job for which I filed a w-2 was an a clerk at the Groesbeck branch of the Cincinnati Library.

    I was at work there the night that Pete Rose broke the home run record. But my clearest memory was making out with my fellow 16 year old clerk Julie in the back stacks.

  6. Shoney's. The good Christians, after church, would bring their brats in for lunch.

    I was a dishwasher. You get handed tubs of dirty dishes. You have to throw all the paper napkins out of the dishes to wash them...

    These good Christian kids used to do fun things like stick paper napkins in a water glass, covering up a steak knife, blade up. You reach in to get the napkin, and....slice.

    Yeah, I do love church folk.

  7. I had a lawn mowing gig where I had to wear cleats because the yard was on such a wicked slope. Also the guy would watch and critique my job. I really don't blame him though, because he had these plants he was really proud of that looked exactly like grass.
