Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Mr. Conservative

HBO is running a documentary on Barry Goldwater, which should put, in greater relief, how far these so-called "conservatives" are off the mark. A NeoCon is not a Conservative, as my father would say.

Certainly, as anyone who has stopped by here before knows, I am not a conservative, but you know what? If we had more of these conservatives, at least we could get an intelligent back and forth on the future of our country. We probably wouldn't have to worry about imperial ambitions of those other "conservatives".

I have only seen the last half hour, but since I grew up with Conscience of a Conservative around the house, I would say it would be worth watching. Thought provoking stuff.


  1. Goldwater once said the religious right "scares the hell out of me."

    During the "Don't ask/don't tell" debates, he said Clinton should allow gays in the military and refuse to budge.

    He was also one of the few people in politics of either party who really seemed to give a damn about Indians.

    I'm with you--I never agreed with him completely but if he'd been elected in 1968, the world would be a better place.

  2. Don't forget: He called Nixon a "sonabitch". Works for me.
