Sunday, September 10, 2006

Nevermind what they're's what you're buying?!?

Have you been buying this National Security jag the GOP has been selling lately? Time magazine thinks maybe not:

"And it's not just Bush's handling of Iraq that Democrats are targeting but also the larger war on terrorism. Democrats have begun to echo a message template e-mailed to them by party leaders: 'President Bush and his Republican Congress have not learned the lessons of 9/11 and, as a result of their failed policies in Iraq and in the War on Terror, America is less safe'. This is where the White House does not want Democrats to get traction. If Bush's Iraq policies are a tough sell with voters, at least he has enjoyed credibility as a terrorism fighter overall. During the summer, Republican consultants watching focus groups of married women with children, a sector that strongly supported Bush's re-election, found that the mothers often asked questions about Iraq like 'Does this go on forever?' But if the women were reminded of Iraq in the context of a war on terrorism—say, by being shown a video of a plane flying into the World Trade Center—their opposition waned."

Here's the crux of that matter: Despite the fact that nearly everyone who isn't brainwashed, including the President (who might be) concedes the fact that Iraq did not attack on September 11th, the administration is banking on folks not caring about "facts" and how these "facts" illuminate the "stupid and dangerous" school of Foreign Policy that we have endured for 6 long years that has virtually resigned our country to many long years of antipathy and violence.

So, if you've been in a cave or something, let me tell ya that the War in Iraq has nothing to do with the War on Terror...correction. It didn't. Now it does, because the unmitigated sectarian Rochambeau going on there now, with our sons and daughters caught in the crossfire, has made things worse, and everybody, less safe.

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