Wednesday, September 6, 2006

Purge the Universities

Horowitz finally says it. No more hemming and hawing. Just says it.

We're not talking about fair and balanced here. We're not talking about Academic Freedom.

We're talking about making sure that education, particularly higher education, which often contradicts the propaganda that passes for secondary education in this country, gets it right, and acts as the Ideological State Apparatus should: Keeping the Ruling Elite, well, Elite. Berube has more on Althusser.

And I was just getting comfortable...


  1. Not that this isn't exactly Horowitz's goal, but the author here was making the same joke at Horowitz's expense that I was when I first sent you the story... the quotes are actually from Iranian president President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

    The point is clear though. The right wing in America have precisely the same goals as their counterparts in fundamentalist islam.

  2. "The point is clear though. The right wing in America have precisely the same goals as their counterparts in fundamentalist islam."

    Spot on, Covington.

    One political party's imposition of ideological restraint in the form of an "agenda" in an ostensibly academic free society is tantamount to exiling those who think and/or believe differently from that party. They're just to social processes carried out in different manners and with different time frames.

    The problem with ideology, though, is that it is an inescapable conundrum. We merely supplant one ideology for another, even if we think we're being objective about eshewing one for yet another. We might go further back than Althusser to recall what Marx had to say on the topic in The German Ideology.

    For my money, William Blake spoke truth:

    "Without Contraries is No progression"

    "Opposition is True friendship"

    That is all folks,
    Charles (moving a week from tomorrow)
