Monday, October 16, 2006

"Let's not all start sucking each others dicks just yet"

The Wolf's quote, from Pulp Fiction, got your attention?

Good. via Covington, Digby's got some bad news for us. Read this.


  1. Still, I'd rather be the janitor than the frat boys who trashed the place, if history were judging us. You know, like it is.

    Digby does indeed nail the current mood, and every patriot should read that post. It's clear the party in power is already in retreat-remobilize mode. They've pulled the money/rug out of DeWine's senate raise, fer chrissakes.

    I still think there's wiggle-room in his assessment, though. It's not 1994, 1998, 2000, 2004. It's 2006. The world has changed a helluva lot since even 2005. I feel more of an awakening than a fallback to conventional political wisdom.

    But I usually pick the wrong horse, so what the fuck do I know.

  2. Oh I definitely don't think it's hopeless. It's just a fucking mess, and one that was created intentionally, as sabotage, byt he republicans.

    But when people get a taste of governance by people who actually believe that government is there to serve the citizens, there might be a lot of eye-opening despite the relentless squeeling of the dittoheads. The contrast will be impossible to ignore.

  3. I agree that it's not hopeless, but we need to be vigilant from now on. We cannot afford to elect a Democratic Majority and then leave 'em twisting in the breeze.

    I understand alot of us, including this guy, are supporting the Democrats because they are closer to us politically, but in some cases still to far right. Fine, but remember: If we are serious about the kind of reforms we talk about, those closer to us, if imperfect, are likely to be far more willing to listen than the crypto fascists we have now.

    Or, in other words: This country has been dragged so far right that we will be waiting awhile before its ready to talk about real progressive agendas.

    Having said that, I'm ready to get rolling in that direction.

  4. I haven't been over here in a couple of days (sorry), but it cracks me up that Digby's post made both of us think of The Wolf's quote. We've got a lot of work to do to wrest back the center from the wingnuts, and it starts now.

    I'm noticing a distinct impression that the rank-and-file wingnuts have given this election up for a loss, which carries its own rhetorical/political perils, but the Gingrich holdovers still plan to game the system to turn an electoral loss into a continuation of their power. That'll be harder, but we're better prepared to battle for public perception than we were in 2000, or even 2004.

