Monday, October 23, 2006

What a dick

Limbaugh gets nasty upon finding out that Alex P. Keaton, his role model, was just a character.

In wondering whether Fox quit taking his meds, I wonder if he was wondering "You think he'd wanna sell any?".


  1. Don't have the link but check Daily Kos for an update from experts. It's not a lack of the medicine that causes the shakes, it IS the medicine. Without it, at his stages, he'd be in a rictus grimace, unable to speak.

    - Cov

  2. More importantly, Rush Limbaugh is a blackhearted prick for even suggesting that Alex P. Keaton isn't sincere about stem cell research.

    The ad is so effective and heart-wrenching, it makes Limbaugh flinch. I can feel his twisted, furry knee jerking from here.

  3. If only the embryo that became rush had been destroyed for stem cell research.

  4. Long-distance HIGH FIVE drpuma!!

    That was fucking brilliant.

  5. Katie Couric: "I think Rush Limbaugh ROCKS!"
