Monday, February 12, 2007



I'll concede a bit of hypocrisy here. I'll also wait for any and all right wing trolls to storm the gates, saying "Libruls, blah blah...tolerant...blah blah".

I've been saying that one of the BushCo's biggest fuck ups is acting unilaterally, and thumbing our nose at the international community.

Oh, and, by the way: I'm not a liberal. I'm a leftist. Understand the difference.

So, anyway, please excuse for what is about to follow...

"'If I was running al-Qaeda in Iraq I would put a circle around March 2008 and pray as many times as possible for a victory, not only for Obama, but also for the Democrats',Mr Howard said on the Nine Network's Sunday, referring to Senator Obama's plan to pull US troops out of Iraq by March next year."

Mr. Howard, acting as the recepticle for fellow Aussie Rupert Murdoch's delusional brain cast, is, of course, free to say anything he likes, and so am I:

Just how far has the NewsCorp right wing cock of death gone up this fucker's ass that he actually, as a world leader, spews Sean Hannity's talking points, in all earnestness. Really.

Now, I don't want to cast dispersions on Australians in general. I've known a few, and they seem like perfectly reasonable people. So how the hell does this guy get elected, espousing the literal Rupertastic talking point. What kind of people elect a fucker like this?


  1. When thinking about the apposite question you pose here, Wizard, I was reminded of some voice-over narration lines two minutes into a film I rented this week, Flags of Our Fathers, another story about how the media and government misrepresented war:

    "Every jackass thinks he knows what war is, especially those that have never been in one. We like things nice and simple--good and evil, heroes and villains--and there's always plenty of both. Most of the time they are not who we think they are."

    Although John Howard's father and grandfather both served in World War I, Howard worked at his family's gas station and then went straight into law school after college, never having experienced first-hand the horrors and carnage of war. Jackass.

    So who votes for people like him? People who "like things nice and simple--good and evil, heroes and villains." People who support BushCo's grand narrative of Us vs. Them.


  2. If Howard really was running al-Qaeda, wouldn't he want a brain-dead American leader who not only puts terrorists in the spotlight but alienates the rest of the world in the process?

    If he ran al-Qaeda, wouldn't he pray for the repeal of presidential term limits?

  3. It's interesting, really, to think about the multinational cabal of chickenhawks who run the two nations.

    Bush "served". Bush Sr. did serve, rather heroically.

    Cheney did not.

    Howard did not serve, though, certainly, if memory serves, he could have in the same conflict Bush "served" in.

    How glib and arrogant and flip are they to make such decisions, and then to lecture the rest of us about it.
