Sunday, February 18, 2007


Barack Obama just impressed the hell out of me.


  1. Barack Obama has a lot going for him, including the fact that he doesn't have a legislative record to hide or defend. On the other hand, I'm scared as hell by the very argument Ford makes. Obviously being a black candidate is a big deal when half the country (remember George Allen) can't admit the Civil War is over and they lost.

  2. Sweet.

    I think the bigger issue is having a presidential candidate who can use and pronounce three-syllable words correctly like...nuk-u-lar.

  3. If it were just about being smart then Jimmy Carter would have been the most successful president in history. We need to remember what a low, dumb and brutish business politics is. George Bush can't tell his ass from an oil well- probably why all his private sector jobs were failures- yet he gets elected twice.

  4. Barack Obama's the real deal, and Americans hunger for that (not just in politics, incidentally).

    I'd say, by the end of 2008, Barack Obama will either be president-elect or dead. Even odds, at this point.
