Tuesday, February 13, 2007

WWJD?: My Michelle (Slight Return)

The Right Wing Noise machine wins one.

Amanda Marcotte spills the beans, and suffers the indignities.

It's amazing to me how vindictive these so called "Christians" are. Their faith must not be so strong, or Marcotte hit the nail on the head (from what I've read, I'd say that was pretty accurate).

Nevertheless, it looks like the bad guys may have won this one, though it is not clear exactly why the level of viciousness. Marcotte isn't saying anything that isn't taught in colleges and universities across the country (may that's it).

So, I guess the bad guys can all sit around and fondle their crucifixes, since they won one for God.

Whose God, of course, is the question at hand...

UPDATE: via the Tavern Wench, who asks us to consider the purely "coincidental" nature of this furor. Hincty...


  1. Every now and again, I guess they actually do win one. Although I thought she folded far too quickly.

    For more Right Wing Noise Machine news, check out the leaked GOP memo outlining their "deny reality" strategy when lobbying for the surge. It's staggering.

    Leaked Letter Reveals GOP Strategy: Talk About Anything But Escalation

  2. The amazing thing is that the idiots in the Catholic League know damn well that Marcotte isn't railing against the Mary Knoll nuns or any other liberal Christian group.

    There was no problem with anti-Catholic rhetoric when it was W's connections to Bob Jones University.
