Saturday, March 3, 2007

Playground/School Bus

Wonder what Ann Coulter's been up to lately...

"I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards, but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you use the word ‘faggot,’ so I — so kind of an impasse, can’t really talk about Edwards. (video)"

Unfortunately, we didn't get to hear the part she was wisely advised to edit, where she goes on to tell Hillary to "suck my dick", which, of course, would confirm what we've always known about the old Adam's Apple: She's Strom Thurmond in drag.

via Brad (have you bought your ticket yet?)

Update: GOP backs away from Coulter, though Romney said of before Coulter spewed "I'm happy that after you hear me you're going to hear from Ann Coulter. It's important to hear from the moderates.''

Is this an indication of what Romney thinks as moderate?


  1. After seeing, hearing and almost vomiting to that snide remark, I confess that I am not channeling Lincoln's dictum to be "touched . . . by the better angels of our nature."

    Instead, I rather just kick Ann Coulter in her (pseudo-)cunt . . . hard.


  2. Does she still go by "public intellectual" or has she given up on the pretense altogether? She probably isn't too concerned about being dissed by those lefties Giulliani and McCain. I wonder if she will continue to support Romney who is obviously an America-hatin' fag lover.

    I guess the GOP feels like if your going to go down anyway you might as well go down with your foot in your mouth (a size 13 spike-heel pump).

  3. How do conservatives listen to her and then demand that Howard Stern be censored? How far does the "it's-not-illegal-if-the-president-does-it" defense go?
