Thursday, April 19, 2007


Keith Olbermann has arrived: He's got a website dedicated to slandering him. Take it seriously, man, you've got heavy weights like Debbie Schussel after your ass (and no, I will not link to her).


  1. Slandering?

    Only an OlbyLoon would think fact-checking a fact-challenger journalist is "slander".

    I suppose tossing around terms like "slander" is actually less taxing than responding to our valid criticism. We document every post. Care to point out any specific examples of our publishing false information?

    Take your time.

  2. day-yum. dem sounds like fightin words to me bro.

    you didn't learn research methods for nothin'.

    "Take your time." what an ass.

    go get 'em wizard!

  3. Wow. Do people just constantly Google their own website, looking for fights? Because that seems to be what anonymous has done.

    I believe it was the great sage and philosopher William Shatner who said it best - "get a life."

    rintrah is correct, anonymous; to quote Walter Sobchak, mess with the Wizard and "you're entering a world of pain." He's got more rhetorical skill, integrity, and guts in his Black Sabbath t-shirt than you've got in your entire area code.


  4. Jesus Christ, I just woke up, and wanted to check in, and now I've been challenged to a duel. Let put my pants on, get some coffee...

  5. have the balls to sign your name cum dumpster

    jesus, a little self serving googling your website and what not

    brad thacker

  6. What kind of pussy issues a challenge like that and then doesn't sign his name? Is this the "drive by" theory of rhetoric- Squeeze one off and race back to your own neighborhood before anybody sees you?
