The Supreme Court recognizes the disaster that decades of inaction on this issue has wrought, notably this Administration:
"Either it must start to regulate carbon dioxide as an air pollutant, an action it has resisted for six years. Or the Environmental Protection Agency must state publicly %that greenhouse gases do not threaten human health or welfare, a view rejected by most climate scientists, including the agency's own researchers. "
Some, however, are still unswayed. Walter Williams, undoubtedly a smart man, tows the line, and tosses a red herring in:
"There's a much more important issue that poses an even greater danger to mankind. That's the effort by environmentalists to suppress disagreement with their view."
This isn't the stupidest thing he writes. He goes on to compare the "skeptics" to ...:
"Because he disagreed that the Earth was the center of the universe, Galileo was ordered to stand trial on suspicion of heresy in 1633. Under the threat of torture, he recanted and was placed under house arrest for the rest of his life."
Wow. One of the greatest matyrs to science and reason gets cited to refutiate science and reason.
Only a "conservative" could pull that off. I just wish he'd quit pulling off the rest of us.
Update: Speaking of jerking off, here's a another genius post on global warming. I really wonder what bizarro universe the BamaPachyderm lives in?
That bizarro universe is Alabama, where they don't even have modern dentistry yet, let alone an understanding of climate change. Williams' arguments are the kind of circular logic a person contracts from listening to too much right wing talk radio: if somebody doesn't agree with me it must be a conspiracy; if they marshall actual facts and win the argument they are suppressing opposing viewpoints. Twits.