Tuesday, May 8, 2007


Or the lack thereof. Or the lack of knowing, or caring, about anyone who has. Thank you Texas:

"A veto almost certainly would have been overridden by Texas legislators, who have questioned the vaccine's safety, efficacy and cost and complained that the governor's mandate would intrude on families' lives. Lawmakers also were outraged that he didn't consult with them before issuing the order."


It seems that Rick Perry, the normally social conservative Governor, was interested in a different kind of pussy:

"Questions about cronyism soon led to Perry insiders connected to Merck and to WIG: The WIG state director is the mother-in-law of Perry's current chief of staff, and his former chief of staff is now one of Merck's three Texas lobbyists. A Merck executive served on WIG's Business Council in 2006"

Sometimes, it seems that if something is too good to be true, it probably is. Same with people, and their motives.


  1. The governor gave a scathing speech in announcing that he would not veto the bill that kills his executive order mandating the vaccine. It was actually pretty good for a Repug.

  2. Repugnant is befitting, drpuma.

    As a native Texan who has lived and been educated there over 3 decades and who has an 11 year-old daughter in Texas, I would try to be at the front of the line in order to help ensure her health against the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and Cervical Cancer.

    The Texas Legislature has always been, unfortunately, innately corrupt . . . hence, GW's success within it. Jesus H. Fucking Christ. Where's Molly Ivins when you need her?!


  3. It kills me that a legislature that midwifed an imperial president now rebuffs executive power.

    The reason is, of course, because such a measure would encourage girls to become sluts...


  4. True, the opposition was based on the idea that giving this vaccine to 11 year old girls is like telling them to go out and get laid. Brilliant. In his statement yesterday Perry asked whether, if we had a vaccine for lung cancer, its wide distribution would be denied on grounds that it promotes smoking.

    RR- The vaccine is on the CDC's recommended list so anybody can still get it, and I hope your daughter will. Kids on CHIP and Medicaid can even get it paid for. The problem is that most people will never even know it exists and their daughters will be doomed to cervical cancer thanks to the Bible thumpers who get embarrassed talking to their kids about pee pees and wee wees.
