Tuesday, May 22, 2007


"'Reid called the benchmark language 'extremely weak', but noted that Bush had initially demanded a bill with no strings attached. 'For heaven's sake, look where we've come', Reid said. 'It's a lot more than the president ever expected he'd have to agree to'."

Well, congratu-fucking-lations all around ladies and gentlemen.

Where have you come, Mr. Reid, since you and your colleagues on both sides have been jerking off for the last five months, with 419 Americans killed and 2496 wounded (in the time you've spent milking it).

In fact, its amazing any of you came at all, given how limp this piece of shit is.

Good work. Enjoy your Memorial Day, since you've ensured that more names will go up on a future monument.

Update: Where are your consciences, your souls?

Now that I've sat on this a day or so, I find myself getting more pissed off. If you ever wondered how or why people don't vote...take a good look at this.

At the risk of offending many of the visitors to this blog...this is why I have an uneasy relationship with the Democratic Party. Again, they fail to stand up and do the right thing, and send out the mealy mouthed turd Reid to shellac some respectability on this. Fuck him-I never liked the little bastard anyway, and this proves why: He may say he doesn't like it, but you know what, he'll eat Bush's shit anyway.

Bush's culpability in this is, of course, huge, arrogant and preposterous, but we already know he doesn't give a hot goddamn about the troops or the country. This is not new information.

What is new is how these "Democrats" talked about the end of the Imperial Presidency, the end to the unilateralism, the beginning of a new mandate, a real mandate, and then roll over...letting Nero scratch their bloated bellies like the good little lap dogs they are. The people's business indeed!

Tomorrow, they vote on this piece of shit, and for the Presidential hopefuls, some of whom are still sitting in Congress, this is the moment of truth. If you voted for this disaster in the first place, and have since renounced it, this is your chance to redeem yourself. Nay!

If you didn't vote for it, this is your chance to demonstrate your conviction. Nay!

If tomorrow, you "esteemed" representatives of the people, in this moment of truth, affirm this Imperial President and his disasterous policies, you have lost this voter, and, if I have any sway at all with anyone out there, I will make sure you lose more voters than that. At this precipice, it's time for someone to do the right thing for a change.

The Citizens of these United States demand, and deserve, better than this.


  1. A Double Shot 1841 Waldo:

    To them, for caving in rhetorically and morally:

    "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines."

    To you, Wizard, for pointing out such a foolish consistency:

    "To be great is to be misunderstood."


  2. Jeezus!

    How do you think Bush will weasle out of this when the benchmarks aren't reached?

  3. He won't have to: They're optional benchmarks. They fucking rolled over, man.

  4. He weasled out on the front end.

  5. I vote for more third-party no-chance candidates than Democrats but I can understand why they did this. Bush exists by virtue of the public's perception of fear. He would twist funding into "Look how they hate the troops! We're all gonna die!"

    I feel sick about it but, short of impeachment, there's no dealing with Bush anymore. I'm not at all saying that the Democrats haven't mastered the fine art of rolling over but this time Bush was holding the troops hostage and he's desparate enough to try anything.

  6. If there was ever a time for the Dems to draw a line in the sand and not back down, this was it. I think it shows that Dems inside the Beltway are not necessarily opposed to the war.
