-Mitt Romney, Last Night, Republican Debate.
Usually, I'd lay down some wacky post structuralist inter-text concerning the latest installment of the Thunderdome of Stupid, but, I'm wiped, I've been grading all day and night and, frankly, last night was just too fucking easy:
"I believe George W. Bush has tremendous characteristics. He’s very honest, he’s very straightforward. I would put him out on a lecture series talking to the youth of America about honesty, integrity, perseverance, passion, and serving the public...".
- Tommy Thompson
Of course, Shitt Romney wasn't done with the non sequiturs...after getting called out by an online question as to why someone who supports English only would air ads in Spanish (23-24), we get this stunning summation of the G.O.P as he sees it:
"What the Republican party has to stand for is more than solving problems. " What, like, creating them? You've proved you can roll out a clusterfuck like nobody's business.
What a douche.
If you support this douche, that makes you a douche.
Don't be...
I'm imagining a Mao-like solid gold statue of W in front of some future presidential library bearing the inscription "honesty, integrity, perseverance, passion, and serving the public."