Sunday, July 22, 2007

Ladies and Gentlemen...Macaca

I have but one question: Can Romney be any stupider?

Get the feeling that this isn't going to go over too well?


  1. Mitt may be handsome, but he's as dumb as a turd. I expect him to do this sort of thing a few more times before he gets shit out the bottom of the campaign meat grinder.

  2. I mean, I can understand some dumbfuck Romney supporter carrying some dumbfuck, nonsensical, highly offensive sign. Nothing you can really do about your supporters on the trail. No biggie, really.

    And then Romney picks up the sign and waves it around like he's at the World Series and it says "John 3:16."

    Too stupid to be president. As if that'll hurt him at the ballot box.

  3. The question is: Would you have a beer with him? The answer: He doesn't drink. How smart can he be?
