Is jumping off the sinking ship...
Will he end up working on a campaign? Will he end up as the ultimate RNC svengali? Is there a subpoena and possible contempt charges looming? Will he end up in hell?
Only the last one can we be sure of...
Update: The circle back slap. You can almost hear the arms snapping from all the self congratulation.
This one's for you, buddy.
I've become a lot more religious over the past few years just so that I can hope for these bastards' eternal damnation.
ReplyDeletePreach on, brother!
ReplyDeleteI think it's one of two things, actually:
ReplyDelete1. Rove becomes Fred Thompson's twenty-second bridesmaid, errr, campaign manager. I still feel like Thompson's a tease, though; I just don't see this thing ever getting off the ground. I mean, the Iowa caucus is five months away already. Feel the Mitt-mentum!
2. Rove's on Larry Flynt's list. I always thought we'd hear Jeff Gannon's name again.
I'm surprised at this announcement; just expected Rove to be the guy who turns out the lights as they scurry out of Washington and into kazillion-dollars-an-hour lobbying jobs.
I was shocked. I really thought he'd sort of made it through the worst. and the pace at which the Dems are moving, he could have probably lasted almost 'til the end.
ReplyDeletebut i think you're right jen - he's probably on to drive the FredThompson bus.
What will be interesting to me is how vulnerable the Hot Karl will be to subpoena. He will claim "Executive Privilege" of course, but will that stick? I can't imagine how-or why- it would, but who knows?
ReplyDeleteHe must have stepped in a bigger pile of shit (Gannon perhaps) then the GOP think he can hose off, so they're hoping for an "out of sight out of mind" scenario. I sincerely hope he isn't allowed to slink quietly away, and instead gets nailed for all of the misery he's created. Ditto this whole administration. I'm getting tired of people saying, "Just wait it out. They're almost gone." Fuck that! These people need to stand trial and be held accountable for their crimes. I don't care if it takes the rest of their lives.
ReplyDeleteThat's a nice fireworks display they gave him.