An interesting turn of events, really, that Barack Obama, answering the critics who say he doesn't have any ideas, comes up with a doozy: Finding Al Quaeda. And exacting the long deferred revenge.
It's a symptom of the universe at this point, with all eyes on the junior senator from Illinois, long praised as a "rock star" without ideas, who has, nevertheless, become major glitch in the coronation of Hillary Clinton.
What's interesting, however, is that the establishment Democrats are all piling on Obama because of this:
"Barack Obama promised that as president he would consider military strikes against terrorists in Pakistan if the country refused to root them out."
Now, its not like he's making this shit up: There really are terrorists in Pakistan, and Mushareef said that if they keep quiet, and not play their music too loud (not blow anything up in Pakistan), they can stay.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't that make them a rogue state, according to Bush, as they are harboring terrorists. Why would we talk shit about Syria and Iran, and give Pakistan a pass. Kind of like how we gave a pass to the Saudis.
My bet would be that, like the Saudis, who came to kill us, no of this really matters to Bush, because the rich capitalists tend to stick together, and when there's oil to be had, bet on the bribes.
Okay, we all know that Bush and Cheney are traitors, but this doesn't really explain how or why the anti-Bushs, the Democrats, who are going to fix everything, who promised to prosecute the war on terror correctly, would pile on like this? Is it not a reasonable idea to actually attack terrorists where they are.
Obama, similarly, was attacked as "naive" (the handle they're trying to give him) for having the audacity to say he would reach out to Iran and other "bad guys". Hillary, in a gross overestimation of her diplomatic skills, said that she wouldn't be fodder for propaganda (as if Sean Hannity doesn't exist) and, presumably, Obama would be (if only he'd threaten to nuke their asses).
See, the thing is, folks, is that we are presumably back to the old "Devil You Know" game that re-elected goddamned George Bush. The devil, in this case, is Hilllary, and this time, she's the establishment candidate. Should Hillary win, we might get thrown a few bones-a universal health care plan that, like auto insurance, makes Health insurance required by law, and thus, dropping a sweetheart deal into the laps of the HMOS. Or she'll pull out a few soldiers from a Iraq, and maybe leave the Mercenaries (the ones with no oversight) to play the part of the Right Wing Death Squads, but change? Please.
To think that Hillary Clinton would change anything fundemental, that which we need if our nation is to survive...
That's naive.
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