Monday, October 1, 2007

The Decider and the Decided

Just when you thought that the Mesopotamian MisAdventure, sure to known to school children across the world in history texts as "Bush's Clusterfuck" couldn't get anymore cluster-fucked, Seymour Hersh reminds us "Hey...we haven't even bombed Tehran yet".

Evidentally, this is a fore gone conclusion, a certainty, and for those who thought that President Shit for Brains was lame duck, and he'd punched himself out, and that impeaching his dumb ass would just be divisive...How about Iranian Troops streaming across the border of Iraq? We can't even control the insurgents, and you want to add pissed off Professionals to this mix?

Meanwhile, the Democrats, who are evidentally not prepared to say that troops will be gone by 2013, must have counted on this contigency.

At what point does someone in Congress do something about this? I mean, I, like many Americans, wait, with dread, everyday, to see if this idiot's going to do something rash and stupid(er) than Iraq. Looks like we're gonna get that, too.

The fact is, folks, we can't afford a war with Iran, either in terms of money or soldiers. We don't have enough. So why aren't we trying to talk our way out of this?

Because we have the Decider for another year, that's why! And no doubt, this asshole will slide out of office, with no remorse, cut the ribbon on his Presidential Library, without ever being held accountable for the worst fuckups in American History.


  1. You'd think a few of the inner circle would have played Risk as kids. That whole spreading your armies too thin and far apart will come back and bite you.

  2. Thanks for alerting us to Sy Hersh's article, Wizard. There's a lot of disturrrrrbing information here. For example:

    [Former NSA Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski said] "This time, unlike the attack in Iraq, we’re going to play the victim. The name of our game seems to be to get the Iranians to overplay their hand."

    Apart from Mark's savvy Risk analogy above, war is NOT a "game," especially for those killed or maimed. Would that all the troops on the ground--and those lining up to enlist--would read this kind of rhetoric, so they begin to realize that their bodies are being amassed for a real-time deadly geopolitical chess game where the "enemy" in this instance (Iran) is a much more sophisticated opponent than Iran ever hoped to be. "Surgical strikes," which Hersh reveals the Bush Administration is now considering against Iran, will just provoke and prolong the inevitable massive bloodshed.

    Very troubling fucked-up shit here, folks.

    Now with Rove (ostensibly) gone, I wonder how this lame-ass lame duck plans to circumvent the U.N. again in order to engage in a War on Iran without Congress' approval.

    I'm trying to envision what the world would look like without The Carlyle Group...

  3. It's unbelievable that this son of a bitch, who has stretched the military to the breaking point (which, by the by, I heard was Clinton's fault for cutting the Military in the 90's) can possibly think we have anything else we can throw at them.

    Surgical strikes, whatever that means, will only accomplish so much, and one of those things is mobilizing a nation of people who think Ahmedinejad is an Bush-like asshole behind their Bush-like asshole.

    I would like to envision a world w/o the Carlyle Group as well. Let me know our those "buttons" are, Rintrah roaring.
