just another hilariously inept Wizard photoshop creation.
As we hear the low drums of death on the horizon, as Bush Co. work out their war jollies in an apocalyptic circle jerk with certain members of the alleged "opposition party"-which has, incidentally, failed to crawl from the slime and grow a vertebrae, congressionally speaking- as well as the fucking ghouls in their own patriotism, over the new Eurasian Front (or is it Eastasian Front? I get so confused), I can't help but have the hook from this metal classic (skip to the bottom of my playlist) rattling around in my head.
Peace sells...but who's buying?
Certainly not the presumptive front-runner, the media annointed, darling of the G.O.P, Hillary Clinton, going as Vic Rattlehead this Halloween, who has voted, with frightening consistency, like a Neo-Con. She's talking diplomacy, but, hey, she's caved time and time again to the NeoCons-almost to the point that one would think she's trying to tell us something. Certainly, a google search using the terms Hillary Clinton Neo Con would illustrate that I am not alone...
I don't think Hillary is a NeoCon, though. That would mean that she had some core ideological notion of governance. No, Hillary is an opportunist and naked careerist, simple as that. Only a careerist would make the argument that dumbass George Bush fooled 'em into voting for war in Iraq (and will likely fool her into voting for a war with Iran).
It's funny, because to many on the right, Hillary is the embodiment of socialism. Of course, they would be wrong, just as its wrong to call Hillary "liberal". Hillary's nothing but power hungry, gladhanding the corporate intersts, giving the HMO's a big sloppy one with her health care proposal, raking in the big corporate bucks.
It is this kind of politics, from the ostensible political binary, that has gotten us here in the first place. How do you think the "c.e.o" President stole the election in the first place, and who's interests does he serve?
Do you think a Hillary Clinton presidency will be any different? Really?
I know at this point that my near and dear Democrat friends and readers think that I've retreated into some infantile Green Party rhetoric, but dammit, at what point do we say enough's enough? We have a President now who is trying to throw our Republic over the cliff, and I'm expected to get excited about someone who is standing with her toes curled over its precipice?
The last eight years have shown exactly what the half measures of the Democratic party have gotten us, the Carville/Nosferatu Triangulation Doctrine: The Forces of The Right Wing, the extreme Right Wing, have knocked our dicks in the dirt as they went three, four, five measures the other direction. Our unwillingness to upset the apple cart has insured more of us will go without apple pie this holiday season, and for the forseeable future.
As of right now, I don't have a candidate-still. I was kind of feeling Obama, but that "homo-saved" reverend, who appeals to the basest of the base-superstitious bigots who happen to be black and democrats has left me with an uneasy feeling, one I'm not sure I can live with.
I don't know...
UPDATE: Hillary drops the ball, and, if you have a penis, it's your fucking fault.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Hillary, who once claimed to be "the feminist" is a disgrace to feminisms here and around the world.. She gets called on her bullshit, and its everybody's fault but hers. Blaming everybody else-sounds vaguely like some BushCol. shit to me.
He's not perfect, but right now I'm behind Dodd.
Hillary as Vic Rattlehead. that pretty much says it all.
ReplyDeleteWhat's the dif between Hillary and Obama? I'm told their healthcare plans are essentially the same--Edwards' too, for that matter. He is clearly ambitious and I doubt that he is above the kind of cross-party pandering that Clinton is guilty of. The basic problem is we only get to chose from a bunch of politicians and honest men/women aren't politicians.