Monday, October 22, 2007

Thunderdome of Stupid, part ???

Oh the throes of my orange and black anxiety, I almost forgot that GOP was having its MYOPALOOSA for the Values Voter... about valuing human rights, the earth and health care for the just want your kids to pray in school, and stop Al Quaeda's newest weapon of mass destruction: Titty Bars and Porn stores...way to think it through...
Anyway, The incomparable Katie G. has analysis on Reagan stroke Values Pissing Contest. Gentlemen, unzip and search...

"The GOP Debates are AWESOME!!
All of these guys are jackasses...all of 'em.

A few highlights:
First topic: Who's More Conservative???
Fred Thompson: Nice, making fun of Ted Kennedy's weight.

Rudy: Fred has his problems too - single biggest obstacle to tort reform. Voted against almost anything that would make our legal system fair. He actually just sighted the guy who sued for 54million dollars pair of pants. RUDY Wants to limit litigation???

Fred: He definitely got some talent coaches since the last debate - he at least sounds better tonight.

Rudy: NYC let illegal immigrants report crime, and put their kids into school....but OTHER than that, we reported every illegal immigrant.

McCain: Radical Islamic Extremism! (yes, first use of the word!) I lead for patriotism, I didn't manage for profit! (Slammed Romney)

Romney's first words: I fought FOR the death penalty! Who will be able to build the house that Ronald Reagan built!

McCain: wow, slamming Romney - "you've been spending last year foolin' the American people" - nice job John.

Up next: Gays!!
Ron Paul: Gay marriage - not for the Constitution. State shouldn't be involved, marriage is a religious ceremony. All voluntary associations should be protected by the law. We don't need to argue over the definition. An amendment to the Constituion seems so unnecessary.

Romney: consequences of gay marriage fall far beyond the relationship of man and a woman. they affect our kids, i wanna make sure that kids have a mom and a dad! National standard for marriage! We don't have unelected judges - liberals - standing up to say ok, you have to have same sex marriage!

Rudy: I don't think we need a Constitutional amendment at this point....If a lot of states, 3 4 5 6 states, if we have a "real problem" then we should have a Constitutional amendment. I did 210 weddings as mayor of NYC, they are all men and women.

New topic: Abortion!!!
Huckabee: I'm interested in fighting FOR the American people!! There's some real issues we need to be fighting for. Sanctity of human life - one of the defining issues of our culture and civilization. Quoting the Declaration of Indepence to support his pro-life stance.

Fred: My private law practice, asked me to do a little work, so i made a few big deal.

Just giving the other guys time to talk:
Duncan Hunter: Castro is bad, Kennedy didn't help the freedom fighters. Reagan brought freedom to El Salvador - and now those guys are fighting side by side in Iraq!! Yay for El Salvador!!!!

Health care costs:
McCain: I don't like socialized medicine.

Ron Paul: Save money, stop bankrupting the country, stop rewarding the corporations.... (Ron, you say good things, but make little sense in this area)


......ok, i'm bored....i'll have to watch the rest some other time.....thankfully, i have Tivo!".

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