Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Well well well...you never can tell...

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What depths will the queen of warm n fuzzy (as a case of anal warts) Michelle Malkin is willing to stoop to please her cryptofascist masters.

After extensive invesigations, involving the usual spurious research, specious claims about the cost of insurance in Baltimore, and the usual palette of fallacious argumentation, the tool of the Right declares the following:

  1. Their neighbor is an "advocate" for "socialized medicine".
  2. The family in question appear to be Democrats (They have a bumper sticker that reads 1-20-09, so you know what that means).
  3. The family in question made "choices and it’s clear the Frosts have made [a] choice to invest in property and a business (You know-American Dream) but not in private health insurance".

Except that they did, of course, but that's hardly the point, right. And...

4. The left hates children.

See? Connect the dots...la la la la!

UPDATE: Malkin looks for insurance, and finds it...well, fucking expensive. An "I'm sorry for being such a shill" will do.


  1. That is some fine investigating. I especially like the extensive debunking of the $1200/month insurance quote, deftly accomplished with one Google search. I guess she hasn't heard of the old bate and switch method in sales--or ever shopped for health insurance. If she isn't paying for her own insurance, then who is? Hmmm... MM truly is the personification of anal warts.

  2. It's funny, really, because having consulted every source I know, I cannot think of the logical fallacy that goes if x is your neighbor, then y is obviously a fucking pinko.

  3. Not only were Malkin's (and Mitch McConnel's) arguments below-the-belt, their assertions were also flat out wrong, as noted at Crooks & Liars:

    One critic, in an e-mail message to Graeme’s mother, Bonnie, warned: “Lie down with dogs, and expect to get fleas.” As it turns out, the Frosts say, Graeme attends the private school on scholarship. The business that the critics said Mr. Frost owned was dissolved in 1999. The family’s home, in the modest Butchers Hill neighborhood of Baltimore, was bought for $55,000 in 1990 and is now worth about $260,000, according to public records. And, for the record, the Frosts say, their kitchen counters are concrete.

    Republicans on Capitol Hill, who were gearing up to use Graeme as evidence that Democrats have over-expanded the health program to include families wealthy enough to afford private insurance, have backed off.
