Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Cut Off: The Continued Adventures of the Fatter Drunker and More British William F Buckley

via Hunter at the Daily Kos: The Mind Boggles...

" ' Here again, the problem is that Sen. Obama wants us to transcend something at the same time he implicitly asks us to give that same something as a reason to vote for him. I must say that the lyricism with which he does this has double and triple the charm of Mrs. Clinton's heavily-scripted trudge through the landscape, but the irony is still the same.

What are we trying to 'get over' here? We are trying to get over the hideous legacy of slavery and segregation. But Mr. Obama is not a part of this legacy. His father was a citizen of Kenya, an independent African country, and his mother was a 'white' American. He is as distant from the real "plantation" as I am. How -- unless one thinks obsessively about color while affecting not to do so -- does this make him 'black'? ' ".

To all my Grad School people out there: See...this is what happens when you don't read theory closely...

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