Friday, January 4, 2008

The Good News

Way to go, Hawkeyes.

You didn't believe the hype and let the media annoint Hillary.

Obama wins in Iowa, and gives one hell of a speech in the process. I feel like history maybe in the making.

Update: Nathan tells us true (and with a Bloom County reference to boot!).

"I am at once very pleased and freaked the fuck out right now.

I personally don’t buy the whole 'As Iowa goes, so goes the nation' meme, but assuming I’m wrong tonight’s Iowa caucus results say some mighty interesting things about the state of the union and where it might be going. Obama’s my man, and has been pretty much from the get-go. Although Kucinich far more represents me on the issues, both Dennis and I knew in our heart of hearts that he’s not likely to be president any time this decade. He threw his support behind Barack and so did I. Likely for similar reasons. "

Given the last seven nightmare bizarro world years, its easy to be pensive about the future: Bush has done everything to make sure there is no future. Indeed, he is very much like those idiots who used to hang on Short Vine, who thought that Johnny Rotten's warning/lament about "No Future" was a mission statement. So hope is in short supply, but there is a light over at the Obama-stein place.

Now, I'm not gonna go all gooey yet, especially because there still so many ways for Hillary to fuck this up, but I have to tell you: I woke up today feeling great. Election day 2004 was waiting on a miracle, because this is George Bush we're talking about, and like his father, I won't and didn't trust him as far as I can throw him, and I knew some shit was going to go down and -lo and behold-a terror alert in OHIO?!!?

No, I feel great. Like a new dawn is coming. Really, not just a choice between the lesser of two evils, but like something else is going down.

I'm stoked.

Oh, and Huckleberry can suck it. I don't care how much he likes The Ox.


  1. That may have been inspirational bromide -- but damn, after eight years, it's nice to hear someone who can speak with passion and power.

    Well played, Barack.

    Allow a little fantasy, if you will:

    Imagine...Inauguration Day, January 2009. Chief Justice John Roberts speaks:

    "Do you, Barack Hussein Obama..."

    The rest is drowned out by the sounds of Republican heads exploding.

  2. "No, I feel great. Like a new dawn is coming. Really, not just a choice between the lesser of two evils, but like something else is going down."

    Me too. Amy and I stayed up to watch Obama's speech. It's the first time since 1992 that I've felt genuinely hopeful about real change (and I wasn't even a huge Clinton fan, but it was at least the first time in my adult life without Reagan-Bush).

    Like many folks, I've been intrigued by Obama since his speech at the Dems convention. And it's cool to see it keep going.

  3. I'm still pretty giddy. Seriously, I can't remember the last time I ever felt this good about politics!

    And I keep thinking this... c'mon, America. He could be the first non-boomer, non-white President. He's amazing. He's a leader. Last night, he looked and sounded like he's already the President.

    Who wants to be the one that stops this movement? Hillary? Mittens Romney? Really?

    The turnout, the youth vote... it all just amassed into one beautiful storm. I'm beyond stoked. I'm actually feeling pretty confident. :-)

  4. Surprised and hopeful.

    I liked Edwards' statement about this being a vote for change and against the status quo.

    I thought Clinton's warning that she is the only Dem who can win in November was fear-baiting much the way W and Cheney warned that Kerry would let the terrorists win.

  5. I admit to being torn between Obama and Edwards (now that my guy Dodd is out), but I gotta say: that was the finest political speech of our generation.

    At least until his next one. :)


  6. The idea that John Roberts, Bush's boy, might have to swear in the instrument that puts these dinosaurs out to tar-pasture is too delicious.
