Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Zipless Fuckhead

I really liked Fear of Flying, but Erica Jong's attempt make Obama another Bush is as specious as her argument for another President Clinton:

"Nor is [The Presidency] a place for on the job training. It is not one job but many. It takes passion, ideas, vision, eloquence, but it also takes experience, administration and seasoned judgment. Hillary has these things. Obama is as untested and untried as George W. Bush was (and Gore was not).

Do we need another president learning on the job? I think not -- even if his heart, unlike Dubya's, is in the right place. Give Hillary a break. She has always come through for her constituents. Isn't that what we need to know more than eloquence, promises and hope?"

I always find it interesting when people talk about the experience gap between Clinton and Obama, but cannot be specific. I dare say it has to do with more to do with a certain brand of feminism more than an actual criticism of Obama's lack of experience-or Clinton's wealth, for that matter.

Update: Typically, you like to assume that published authors know something about nuance and context. Typically....

1 comment:

  1. Obama has a wider range of experience than Hillary. When people talk about her experience, apparently they consider being second in line to have sex with Bill a prime requirement for the presidency.

    I'll vote for Obama. I'll vote for a third-party rather than Hillary.
