Friday, February 1, 2008

How Far We Have To Go

Just saw this at my local Krogers...


Yes, there is another "cracker swastika" in the form of a plate on the front bumper...


  1. Frikking brilliant. I just noticed the completely over-the-top flags up front. Holy shit. Another proud 'Merikun.

  2. I 'm sure the band Tool wouldn't consider this much of an endorsement.

  3. Pretty much all he needs to cement his status as a complete slobbering racist moron is a set of those truck nuts that are common among the garbage du blanc.


  4. where's his yellow "support the troops" ribbon?

    when i was in high school all over metro detroit there were those stupid Calvin pissing on the Chevy symbol, or the Ford symbol. ??? i NEVER got that. And does anyone even read Calvin & Hobbes anymore, now you just have a sticker of a kid pissing.

    nice rebel flags too. i used to see trucks like this when i lived in southern Indiana. My favorite ever was one just like this but had a "Jesus Saves" sticker too.
