One thing is certain: By the end of today, we'll know which one of those poor bastards will be forced to the head of the dying elephant. Thanks George!
My guess would be that John McCain, who, according to his most recent campaign ad, was dreaming of Ronnie while at the Hanoi Hilton. Yes, evidentally, McCain became a seer-or there is a massive conflation-because St. McCain Had a vision of the Reagan Revolution while Reagan was still the Governor of California! Astounding!
As for the good guys...:I don't know what will happen, and it, since it is not winner take all, we aren't going to get anything definitive anyway, but we'll see a trend. Question: Will the Democratic party seize the moment, and recognize the need for the new, or will it instead do what happens only in politics and boxing, and let the loyal fighter finally have a shot at the title?
One thing is sure: I'll be riveted to my seat. This is the real Super Bowl.
Update: So much for a smooth ride...
"Voter-outreach groups criticized the ballot in Los Angeles County, saying it could disenfranchise independent voters.
The Democratic and American Independent party ballots given to independent voters who request them include an extra bubble specifying that the ballot is for that party’s primary. The bubble appears before the list of presidential candidates.
If voters fail to mark that spot, the county’s scanning machines will not read the selection for president."
Update II (5:20 pm): Hillary and Fox News
Frontrunners do not typically challenge debates, do they? Moreover, "liberals" wouldn't seek to, as Kos says, "legitimize the Republican Party's chief propaganda arm", especially since its the same bunch that tried to destroy you in the nineties?
This seems pretty desperate. Has the Ann Coulter's offer to campaign for Hillary sunk in? Was it serious? Was Coulter actually sober when she said this?
Good God...
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