I've been thinking for awhile, and have written as much, the Clinton's are willing to do anything, including burn down the Democratic Party, to get elected-including, as we've seen since South Carolina, adopt shockingly GOP-esque tactics. The Geraldine Ferraro thing is just the apotheosis of trend.
I would ask Hillary Clinton supporters if these are the values they hold? Are they the values of Democrats? Are they the values this country is founded on? If you can look the other way on this shit, then...Jesus...
I had a longer post planned, but Olbermann, once again, tells it true:
Out of curiosity, I had to go over to the 'net's number one hater site, who, as you might or might not know, I had a little beef with a while back. The heads must be exploding.
Things are hottin up over at C&L as Hillary faithful try to defend the indefensivible, and Kos piles on.
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