An exclamation that my girlfriend's mother uses in exasperation, to which I usually make the devil horns underneath whatever table we are sitting at. It's reflexive.
Unfortunately, we are not talking about those Manchester Titans of Metals, but something that master triangulator and right wing boy toy James Carville uttered upon hearing that Richardson had-gasp-given it some thought, and saw the future in Barack Obama.
So, gentle and ungentle reader, this is where we are at: Staring down a sense of entitlement that is so massive, so sure of its historical significance, so monumentally megalomaniacal and egoistic, even for a politician, that, by extension, Hillary Clinton is Jesus Christ.
Presumably, in another popular epithet, the "H" in "Jesus H. Christ" is for "Hillary".
I ask you: What the fuck is wrong with these people? If this is a comparison they are willing to make, or rather, should have been extrapolated, does the Clinton campaign not know what happens to public figures who make such comparison. There were Beatle bonfires when John Lennon said that the Fabs were more popular than the Son of God, yet nobody is making much of this extrapolation.
It's a shame, really, because, unlike Hillary Clinton, John Lennon, for the most part, walked it like he talked it-but we'll get back to that.
Nobody is making much of this extrapolation because the whole of the Clinton campaign is insinuation and innuendo, for the maximum deniability. See, Carville is not "officially" with the campaign-just like Mark Penn. Maximum deniability.
It is through this that the various e mail whisper campaigns, Hillary's refusal to say that Obama was a Christian, the various race baiting tactics of the now sorely diminished Bill Clinton, and her ostensible buddy buddy act with the increasingly confused John McCain, who is having "senior moments" at a shocking clip, are all in the service of insinuation and innuendo.
It's the ultimate manifestation of Carville's Triangulation Doctrine, and for the most mercenary of reasons: Playing nice with the Republican Nominee, creating a binary of Patriotic Americans vs. "Liberal" "Leftist" "Progressive" Flag Burners.
It would seem that she is exactly three mentions of "authentic" Americans and two helpings of "Heartland", and she's switching parties-or rather, switching back-she was a Young Republican at Wellesley, after all...
I've said that it is rather shocking how much her campaign, at this point, apes Bush's campaign: The racial dirty tricks, the whisper campaigns, the thumbing the scales, and surrogates as attack dogs are all in the Karl Rove play book, now the James Carville, no wait, the Mark Penn-okay, who the hell is running things over there? Ah…there's that deniability thing again.
Except that it all ends up sticking to her, and, what's shocking to me is, that for some people, they don't care. She never argued against NAFTA. Her participation in the Irish Peace Process and the Balkans has been exposed as total frauds. They needed to produce videotape to prove her wrong? Are peoples' memories that bad?
This would appear to be what the Clinton's are banking on. However, the desperation in the Clinton campaign is palpable.
What could possibly explain Clinton's invocation, very solemnly, about Jeremiah Wright, which her own Church disavows this kind of racial politicking. Clinton explains, of course, that "she would have just gotten up" and that "we choose our religion"-to which she is absolutely correct. So I guess we can all ask her about "The Fellowship", a right wing organization that seeks to bring Jesus to D.C.-and to the rest of us:
"The Fellowship isn't out to turn liberals into conservatives; rather, it convinces politicians they can transcend left and right with an ecumenical faith that rises above politics. Only the faith is always evangelical, and the politics always move rightward."
Consorting with a right wing theocratic movement? Hmmm…
Mark Penn=Karl Rove. The cozying up to John McCain. The employment the duplicitous "patriotism" meme for political gain. The "3 a.m" ad/Bush's "Wolves" ad. Support of the war (you know, when she was allegedly "duped" by dumbass George Bush)to the cost of 4000 Americans and countless Iraqis, all for the ever bloating coffers of the no bidders.
When the Clintons spoke of the "vast right wing conspiracy", were they projecting, or were they trying to hide something?
Update: Ah yes...when in doubt, start the threats.