Saturday, March 8, 2008

Obama Wins Wyoming

It's funny how the media works. Despite Obama winning 59-40, you get a doozy like this:

"...but that in this nail-biter [my bold]of a race saw heavy campaigning by both Obama and Hillary Clinton."

Wasn't Hillary's victory in Ohio, by a considerably smaller margin, considered decisive?

Well, something's up. Obama's candidate for Hastert's seat won.


  1. Sorry this is totally off topic. I didn't feel like logging in or writing an email.

    Hey... note the recent Eliot Spitzer prostitution connection in the New York.

    How depressing is that? The first idealist with enough clout to make a difference and he is quickly smeared with a scandal.

    It makes me think either 1)the only politicians that can accomplish change must be saints or 2) people must have restarted COINTELPRO.

    -Jeff Cook
