Sunday, March 30, 2008

Working Class Zero

It's amazing how the media will push the narrative that Obama is the "elites" choice. This decidedly unelite magic user supports him, as do many other folks I know.

This puff piece in
Salon, which used to be the source, just underscores this by reminding us that Obama's education, coupled with a rather specious claim about his beer of choice in Pennsylvania, that Barack is just too cool for regular folks, thus, setting up Hillary as the "Okie from Muskogee" candidate.

This is very convenient, except that she went to Yale, an even more elitist school than Harvard, for a start.

That's why I laugh everytime she complains about her treatment. She's gotten off easy.

Yet, I stop laughing, because of Ohio, and I wonder "Do people really buy this bullshit?".

Case in Point.


  1. Hillary is a cunt. Nuff said.


  2. Have you heard if Hillary has secured the Druid endorsement? I've heard that the Illusionists have come out for her. Fighters seem equally split between Obama and McCain. Paladins and Rangers seem squarely in Obama's camp.

    Thieves and Assassins are still backing Guiliani and Ron Paul, respectively.

    Monks are maintaining their silence, of course.

  3. Elite n. - a) A group or class of persons or a member of such a group or class, enjoying superior intellectual, social, or economic status. b) The best or most skilled members of a group.

    Sorry Wiz, but you fall under this definition, as does every reader of this blog. But aren't all voters "elite"? They are a minority subset of the total population possessing better than average knowledge of the issues and enjoying more than average influence. By this definition all of the candidates should be concerning themselves mostly with the elites. Joe Sixpack can't get time off to vote from any of his three jobs anyway.
