Monday, April 7, 2008

In Honor of National Poetry Month and the Continuing Hemorrhaging in Ancient Mesopotamia

IDEOLOGY (War Ina Babylon)

the poor children are bled in the fertile crescent in a premature toilet stillbirth

crying screaming for mother and god and country and now silent amidst the

cacophony of guns the last screams of a thousand ancient tongues and bits

of the human detritus encircle the blast field the only signifiers of retroactive abortion

while the fathers drink and talk and drink and talk talk talk talk up to heaven for an answer a confession of guilt for their infanticide necessary for the fulfillment of

the unknowable truth they claim as ideology and justify the further suffering of the

people of the earth who now come as only sound bites and placards whose voice is heresy for the manifest destiny but if we listen it is a prophesy the whisper of the slave to the master in his revels the whisper of the inevitability the death of the country and all

the countries for the birth in vistas of new dawn when fathers will not eat their children for ideology golden idolatry idolatry that has resurrected a hellish Lazarus screaming ugly nationalisms and rears up monstrous war machine and drinks the blood of international youth where up there in the air bombs the human being lawnmower tends to the battlefield while the lush country clubs continue to lament the market and scream for the

head of a tyrant while their children prepare for the future in the club house but sacrifice

nothing to the mechanized death trip pick the bones of the poor children dying in the sun dying in the moonlight dying for the ideology not their's but someone else's confirmation of the tyrant 's more perfect union with history and its judgments

where statues celebrate the murder of poor children to keep the heart of Malthus beating in every American's chest and the statues of ancient birthright the reclamation of a golden age which moves temporally between archetype and insanity the code of Hammurabi burned from a malicious solipsism

do you hear me?

the young are being murdered now the old just talk say prayers of ideology keep the home fires burning kill the ideas of youth the forward progress of humanity halted in a spray of gunfire our ideology your ideology their ideology don't give me any of that bullshit about right and wrong black and white today the day is gray getting grayer the light of the earth muted and funereal and the mother fuckers just keep shoving their humanity into the human being lawnmower and hearts fly like clippings

the ides of march and then some the old plot in secret to burn down the future and spend the inheritance of their children on gas guzzling comfort with satellite tv in the tourist traps of the world oblivious to the carnage in their name their name is ideology and they manufacture the doom of us all the blood we spill so they can continue to tell the poor homeless junkies to get a job and admonish them for the pain of the human condition or have the street musicians rousted because they are afraid of the young black man the young white man the young Chicano yeah yeah the army would do thee all well to respect

the elders who would have thee murdered for cheaper gasoline

die for their piece of mind die for peace in their time and yours after the parade and gun salute such a funny thing to be honored by the instrument of your murder with only a flag and weeping widows and a bloodlust tribute to the stupidity of man and his ideologies

flowers for the grave die for the ideologies of history as judgment

and the greatness of your leaders though the children have no such pretensions other than to see more history

die for petroleum which feeds the human being lawnmower into perpetuity

die for the bankers who steal yer home while you bleed slowly for iron heart of Malthus

stamped with the presidential seal

die for nationalism die for racism die for the god of abraham who weeps eternal and shudders painful at his image which kills and maims its reflection a suicidal narcissism

die for the future so that the future will have to die for the future

die for the past so that it may bear out the greatness of the arrogant moneyed few cloaked in the banners of ancestral empires

die so that you may live eternal as a hero and explain that to the parents who reel from the inverted natural order

die so that all isms will prevail in the end a monopoly on truth the frame of the big picture

die today die tomorrow die in a week a month a year a millenia backwards and forwards in time our governments feed on death young death a vast orgy of death and the ghouls who feed on the supple flesh of youth and pour the blood and the oil in the human being lawnmower chopping everything to bits hasten a return to earth our origination where we plant our youth to mortify the ground with rot and consecrate murder with the blessings of policy the world turns in on it self and devours its children on a sand swept killing floor the cradle of civilization a coffin the benediction an anthem the fertile crescent births a mad blood beast which turns on itself and throws its entrails at eternity with a placenta full of napalm and serin gas and the mother only moans moans moans on into

a night which never lifts and the din of the machines which never ceases.


Who whispers the words that makes the beast sleep again?

and transforms its napalm blood into wine and its engines hum om

who sees the human being lawnmower chop chop chop until its

run its course sanctifying the holy land with murder

what bold courage is uttered that while the machine runs we will run

until the earth is drained of either oil or people

who applauds a tragedy actualized in narrow theocracy

a prayer moaned in chains

Church liturgy intoned from the wall st. journal

From an ATM pulpit, a conversation with god only

To confirm sufficient funds

Who would stop this insolence and who did try

To be hung as another lefty kike

The lamb sacrificed to a flickering television preacher

God wants you to be rich, a seduction of forked tongues

And jewelry

Who is Pharisee and who is fair

Give a man a fish, and he eats for a day

Teach a landlocked man to fish, and he starves

A gambit of boots and bootstraps

Who lies with the mouth of Yehweh, Jehovah, Allah, Jah

Kills over the word without exalting the Word

What machine belches fire into heaven carries children into

Weeping arms and a sobbing book?

Who redeems Mohammed, who redeemed Joshua Ben Joseph who redeemed Melchedek who redeems peace?

What truth told with a silver tongue and mercury?

Lies told by apostates who know not the book and raise hell

In Babylon

Sees not the blind man who saw, nor delivered the man from


Who is Pharisee and who is fair?

I and I no lie, only cry, it is nigh.

On high.

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