Saturday, May 24, 2008

Precious Vile Things

"The art of our necessities is strange,
And can make vile things precious"
(King Lear, Act III, scene ii).

It's come to this.

It's really come to this.

Looking into the dark heart of the power mad is always frightening, but for that to be so publicly sends a chill through your fucking blood. These are your values? These are the values you represent? Jesus...

Jon Sheperd stated in an email this morning:

"The long shot odds of Hillary Clinton getting to the White House on anything other than a visitor's pass are now OVER. I'm never seen a more vituperating or justified commentary - on any political issue.

There are enough obvious reasons why this cycle parallels 1968, we don't need to be reminded how tragically that ended; nor do we need to embolden some asshole to replay our history. "

He's right. In this chilling meme that the Clintons have been floating around for months, the assassination meme, if you don't like, we see the desperation of someone who was, by all accounts, the nominee, the media favorite, and, in this, the culminating moment of her destiny. She was owed this-and then, the people spoke up, and she feels betrayed, robbed, inconsolent to the point as to invoke the blackest heart of Old Mean America-Regime change by Gun.

Olbermann, eloquent as he is incredulous, not only gives us 2 special comments in as many weeks, but the second comment on the scurrilous black heart of the Clinton machine:

You have just witnessed astonishing and ignoble end of the Clintons.

1 comment:

  1. I'm thinking this has got to kill any talk of her as a running mate too--probably a little too Shakespearean for comfort to have a VP who's always musing about the possibility of a presidential assasination. Not to mention the fact that it would give her plenty of opportunity to add to her well and self-established motive and mens rea.
