Sunday, June 1, 2008


From the Belly of the Beast:

"MI & Fla
I watched the 9 1/2 hour R&B meeting. Hats off to Tina and Harold for speaking out! I am so disillusioned with our Party. Why vote when the r&b can take your votes and apply them as they see fit.

Why be on the ballet? They will just take votes from somewhere and give them to you to equal things out. Is this democracy? This entire election is so unfair to Hillary. I can honestly say that if BHO wins this I will not vote for him. 4 more years is not that long to put up with McCain. I guess it's the principle of the entire process. R&B committee has people so angry we will never be united. I will keep praying for Hillary. She is the best! She has the vote of the people, this should count for something! Keep donating to help Hillary. We can still win this election!! AZ, your video made me cry! It's beautiful!

by joanna0902 at 6/1/2008 10:04:24 AM"

"I just had a nice chat with the DNC via e-mail.

I doubt that they will like my quick note to them about democratic principles and the lack there-of by the party today. Any candidate who professes to be Presidential would demand that every vote be counted. I will say this, Karl Rove and Richard Nixon would be proud of Senator Obama for his "new style" of politics. I am done with the party. America is far more important than a party anyway. I believe that I might just have to make contribution number 24 for the good of the cause.

by drbodkin at 5/31/2008 10:24:33 PM"

Emptywheel chimes in with some food for thought. Meteorblades has some thoughts as well.

Not that I probably have any Clinton supporters left who read this blog (if I ever did), but if I do, and you are just passing by...

Please tell me why you are doing this, and what fuels your anti- Obama hatred?

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