Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Hillaristas: The Art of Taking Your Ball, and Going Home, or Holding your Country Hostage So That You Can Have Your Way it comes:

"The names of some Hillraiser holdouts will not come as a surprise to those who follow the Democratic money chase. Susie Tompkins Buell, Lynn Forester and Jill Iscol were each cited in background interviews as the key financial workhorses who have yet to start pulling for Obama. In separate conversations with The Huffington Post, the three major donors each described their respective sources of discontent, and talked about what, if anything, can still be done to change their minds.

One area agreement among them, however, rang out loud and clear: the vice presidency should go to Clinton. (Indeed, Iscol already made news earlier this week when she related details of a phone conversation with Obama, in which he appeared to include Clinton on his VP shortlist, to the LA Times.)"

I realize, of course, that they have the right to vote for with their checkbooks, but I would like to think they'd do what's right for the country. We have chance at something new, and bringing a baby booming ideologue like Clinton isn't the way to go. I mean, the baggage Clinton brings, not the mention the disgusting, amoral way she ran her campaign...She and Bill almost burned down the party, fer crissakes, and the country.

These people are selfish. Isn't it bad enough they whored all their cultureal achievements to shill Cadillacs, Investment Advice and Boner Pills, and beat us over the head with their bullshit New Left ideology...the "me" centered universe.

How long does the sixties hangover go on? I've ingested most of the popular substances, grooved to the good tunes from then, and I felt human after a day or so.

Forty Years?

Hate to say I told you so, and I hope I don't have to, but...

This really sucks.


  1. Idiocy.

    And I'm right there with you on the Boomers. My dept chair is one of the good ones -- was heavily involved in SDS, never sold out, etc. -- but many/most of them...sheesh.

  2. I've seen so many boomers sell their ideals for a Beemer. What's worse, I've seen many many more sell them for far less than that.

    I guess for most people the 60s were just a chance to get high and laid, with no further introspection.


  3. Too bad they do not want anybody else to get high and laid...

    Or a job. Or a future.

  4. While I can't speak for Hillary's supporters, I'm awfully glad that the woman herself decided to put her name on this.
