Saturday, August 30, 2008

Code 347: Completely Lost Due To Incompetence

Rest assured, friends (ugh...I feel gross just saying those words)...

I am not the sort who throws an event, harangues everybody into coming , and says nothing about it.

The fact of the matter is that the man is against me; How else can one explain my cable get disconnected last week by my weird neighbor, and then, it getting disconnected again Friday morning by the cable company trying to prevent the weird neighbor from stealing my goddamned cable?

Anyway, I want to publically thank Bret, Amy and Mary from the Downunder for their hospitality. We had some glitches, to be sure, but we handled it like champs, and everybody had fun, and was inspired I think, except for the doubting Thomas at the left end of the bar. I tried...

I know we were all kinds of fired up, ready for the hard work
ahead. If you came down, thank you for supporting.

I wanna take this opportunity to thank the fine folks at NPR-oh wait, I don't, because they never called. They didn't even call to say they weren't calling. I spent most of speech getting my head together to talk to some patchouli stinking asshat about the speech, and they didn't even bother. My dreams of super liberal celebrity (Professor and NPR interviewee!)--dashed!

Fuck 'em: They never play TRex, anyw

Okay, so we have history on our side here, the air is charged, the tide is turning. Fired Up! Ready To Go!

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