Monday, August 25, 2008

Democratic National Convention: Day One Random

I would tend to say this may be the most unified thing the left has gotten together in sometime...

As the result of the asshole who lives next door disconnecting my cable again, I finally got a chance to watch the CNN Revealed on McCain and Obama.

The documentaries, which were generally excellent, drew sharp distinctions between the candidates; It's hard to not be inspired by Obama, especially after one gets a fuller sense of his community organzing days. People were seriously impressed with him then, as they are now.

McCain, however, doesn't get off so easily, and nor should he; Despite with the "even" handed approach (i.e., glowy lovey dovey hero worship. Afterall, he is Maverick), he comes off as, well, spoiled brat smug prick who is just working his Daddy issues out on the rest of us. Yup, I said it.

When people talk of Bush's third term vis a vis McSame, they aren't kidding: Like Dubya, McCain is working out major Daddy issues. However, I doubt very much his father would find much honorable about John McCain now.

In the light of this, in which McCain is revealed for the liar he is, and the course of this campaign, in which he is revealed as the liar he is, we are still faced with media which is keeping itself entertained with the imposed narrative at the expense of the rest of us. McCain is Maverick. Obama is the Man from Parts Unknown. McCain is Mr. Straight Talk. Obama is a Celebrity. Hillary supporters...And, now, McCain is using Hillary against Obama (like you didn't see that one coming).

Since I'm working up McCain, let me say this, clearly: Being a War Hero is not a qualification for being President. The most decorated person in the history of the military, Audie Murphy, found himself addicted to Placidyls, sleeping with a gun underneath his pillow. This is not the sort of behavior you want in a President. Honoring Service is one thing; Getting control of a Nuclear Arsenal is quite another. I was thinking of a parade...

More later...


Looks like 44'ers were out in full force (all two of them), representing the little known "feminist" dixiecrats (or the McCain Campaign), advancing the Obama is a Secret Muslim thread. When confronted by Tweety, of all people, about their evidence, they declared that "I don't have to tell you."

Can we put this one to bed, finally?

Otherwise, it was nice to see Teddy up and around. I was a bit afraid it was going to be like watching Dick Clark do the Rockin' Eve, but it was pretty moving.

However, the inarguable headliner was Michelle Obama. She was real. She was passionate, and, after a slow start, she knocked it out:

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