Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Night Two of The Convention

Why the Fuck is Mitt Romney there?


Whoah? Is there a note of resignation in this? "Loyal Opposition"?Doesn't this presume that the White House has changed hands, that Republicans are no longer the Executive Branch?

9:00: Tweety is incredibly surly, snapping at Olbermann. Somebody get him a drink-QUICK! Seriously, he's really grumpy.

In other impressions, Rachel Maddow and Pat Buchanan are at it again. I think she could kick his ass. I think he'd like that very much.

9:37: In the midst of some discussion of schadenfreude and American politics, Tweety apparently called Bush a clown. He's drunk. Seriously...he's the Larry Merchant of Politics.

Oh yeah, Casey's "not a maverick. He's a sidekick" swipe at McCain is nice.

10:30: Mark Warner looking a lot like the guy from Double Dare.


hastily constructed by the_wizrd 08
10:37: Hillary...the obligatory video...misappropriations of Tom Petty's "American Girl"...jeez...this is kind of scary...
11:19: Hillary...resplendent in sartorial compliment, chucked red meat to the united party. Reminded her faithful that it never was "about her" really, but the movement of freedom. She quoted Harriet Tubman.
Thank You!
8:30 am: The MSNBC intellectual abortion known as Morning Joe rolls on. Scarborough works the Latte angle, and Mika looks on, vacantly, pretending to have a backbone. She is a arguably more attractive Alan Colmes, though no less clown. Joe begins rubbing his nipples, longingly talking about his campaign days, and how "he knows" as he works through the Clinton-Obama mutual annihilation fantasy, and McCain, by virtue of his being a spoiled WASP from an aristocratic southern family, is able to do the right thing for America, and get us all killed.
Joey is so tough...


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