Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Purpose(less) Driven Debate: March of the Panders/Winning America One Superstition at a Time

Anybody else annoyed with the fact that the first "debate" held this season is being hosted my some third rate Robert Schuller wannabe in some over blown, ostentatious quasi Crystal Cathedral mega abortion... and the two men running actually legitimize this charlatan by showing up for his Jesus and Donkey show.


What if the Union for Reform Judaism, The Archdiocese of New York, or United Muslims of America wanted to host a debate-er, "forum"? Would they show up?

What if the United Wiccans, The Church of Satan, or, Jah help I, The Scientologists wanted to hold a debate? Would they go? How much shit would they catch if they did?

Seriously, folks, this is why one should keep religion to one's soul.

Update: Oh...guess what? It might have been a little skewed.

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